Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I deemed it appropriate for Halloween to write about fear. I'm not referring to the monster costumes or spider decorations but your personal monsters. Fear holds so many people back from accomplishing things they are more than capable of pursuing. We all have our own personal fears that stunt our growth. Some of us fear the unknown, fear rejection, fear change, fear what others think or fear failure. I read somewhere that your desire for success has to be greater than your fear.

Think of all the people in history that accomplished so much. They had to get past their personal fear that something may not work and push forward. What if Marilyn Monroe would have let her fear stop her from making a name for herself? What if Alexander Graham Bell would have been too afraid to present his idea of the telephone to the public?

Do not let your fears hold you back from getting everything you can out of life. You do not want to look back and wish you would have tried something but was too afraid to. You may not succeed but you will never know until you try. Go out there and find your next adventure.

"You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Follow Your Own Path

In every day life we are constantly being influenced. We are influenced by friends, family, strangers, people on TV, role models etc. Some of the influences are great and inspirational. Other influences create standards for us that in the long run do not even make us happy.

Every person has different qualities and things that they enjoy. Do what works for you! Society has created boundaries for us that are supposed to define us. Some people get so caught up in following the path that society has set for us. Some believe the only way to have true success is follow the traditional roles. We are expected to live in a world where success is defined by having "X" amount of cash in the bank, driving the newest car on TV, having the body of the girl in Cosmo magazine, having the traditional 9-5 job, running a happy house hold and all at the same time remaining sane.

To me this is just insane! Follow your own path, different things work for different people. I know someone I consider very successful. They have not stepped foot in an office (except to pick up their check) in over 3 years. They do not fit the definition of the traditional job according to society. However they are happy and successful.  I also know a couple that does not fit in to the typical marriage setting... the woman actually has a career and the man takes care of the house hold. It is not traditional but they are happy and it works for them.

I have personally found out when I have ditched the traditional and gone with what makes ME happy then success has followed. So go out there embrace your nontraditional wild side (of course check your morals and local laws at the door) and build your own path! The best path to follow is the one you look back at and are proud to say "I made that".

Friday, October 12, 2012

Potpourri Dating

Four little letters... What is this little thing called "LOVE"? Songs are wrote about it, books are wrote about it, movies are based on it, some people search for it their entire lives. Some refer to is as "friendship set on fire" ,others simply believe it is a chemical reaction our bodies convince us to feel.

A friend asked me the other day "Are you seeing anyone?". My response "I am Potpourri dating". After the jokes and laughs simmered down I really considered the term.

According to Wikipedia "In English, "potpourri" is often used to refer to any collection of miscellaneous or diverse items."

Why not Potpourri Date? I find its a great way to explore options! Each person has something wonderfully unique about them and there is usually at least one great thing to discover about each person. With potpourri there will be spices that you do not like or that do not fit your style. The key is to find that right spice that is just right for you!

So until I find that one ingredient that brings the true meaning of that "little four letter word" into my life I will happily continue to Potpourri Date!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Inspirations by Tori

Everyone has at least one thing that inspires them. Find something that inspires you and embrace it. It could be as simple as a great song, favorite musician, a writer, an actor or any combination of these. Often when you embrace these small things they make such a large difference in your life.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Check out the new quiz to find out what Bad Girl you are and what recipe would work for you!

Take the Quiz now!

Then get your copy of  "Good Cooking For Bad Girls" to try out the recipes!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Little Black Book 101

This blog is dedicated to the unique and those who dare to be different! Those who proudly show their true colors. Everyone of us is unique and that's what makes life fun! Wouldn't it be boring if we all were the same, agreed on the same thing, liked the same things, even dressed the same. The key is to be you and be comfortable in your own skin because at the end of the day you can take everything else off but you are still you.

Whats your passion or personality key trait?
I like the frills of being a girl! I like the bubble baths, pedicures, cute little kittens, a pretty martini, trashy romance novels, reruns of sex and the city, cheesy chick flicks, cute outfits and all the glamour just as much as any other girl. However I am not all frills all the time! I think its fun to grab an ice cold beer, yell at the TV when my favorite football team is on, know more about the quarterback's playing stats beyond just he has a cute outfit and nice a**... heck I even get a thrill out of getting my pretty manicure chipped knowing I changed a tire all by myself.

I have been known to chatter about life and inspire people to better their outlook upon life while having a glass of Cabernet over a dinner of eggplant Parmesan (I prepared). On the other hand there are quite a few times I have known to preform karaoke at a keg party and make jokes that make even me blush! I even have a "secret" passion for jersey shore episodes and 80s music!

Don't get me wrong I work my cute little butt off and stress out. Sometimes I'm impatient and have to convince myself to relax.  Its all about finding your middle ground and embracing what makes you unique!

So whats in your little black book that makes you unique?