Friday, June 21, 2013

Don't Take The Easy Path

Routines become so much a part of our daily life. This creates habits and keeps us in our comfort zone. I have realized stepping out of your comfort zone can be pretty scary at times. However, you never know what to expect and you don't know what is out there that you may find. Life has so many opportunities and things to experience. You are the only one who can limit yourself. Take a step, even a small one to try something new.

You may find you have struggles on your journey. You may even create excuses for your self that keep you from venturing out and discovering something you are passionate about. It's not always an easy journey. Some days you may be down right ill or feel hopeless in your situation. Although, it is so liberating to travel down your own path even if it isn't the same path everyone else follows. Enjoy your journey and see what you can discover!

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