Monday, December 3, 2012

Be your Sexy Self!

Ladies,we all like to look our best. Its has been said that when you look good you feel good. However we all have our days where we may not want to put on 3 inch stilettos and spend 2 hours doing our hair and makeup just to run to the store. I love getting all dressed up and enjoying myself but there are days when I feel very sexy in yoga pants and a tank top... or sweater depending on the season.

I think the sexiest thing a woman can do for herself is have confidence! Insecurity is not pretty! We all have our moments of insecurity but when you are happy with yourself it will shine through.

I recently had a friend that made a very judgemental comment about a ladies attire. We all have different fashion sense and that's what makes everyone unique. It is not my place to judge a person on their fashion sense even if it is much different than my own.

So rock whatever it is that makes you feel uniquely sexy!!

"Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember - the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you." ~Zig Ziglar

1 comment:

  1. I so agree!! I have been judged many times by people. It use to hurt me....I still do what I want, although for all the people that judged me negative...I have come to realize the opinion of me they have I do not share and anyway... we are not supposed to judge. If everyone was the same it would be a very boring life and I don't live my life to be boring!!! :)
