Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Rose Colored Glasses

                     Here's an exert from my newest book "Little Black Breakup Book" by Tori Bradley :
Now it is time to take off the rose colored glasses or beer goggles. After a breakup people tend to reminisce on all the good memories. You may look back at all the good times and wish you were still together with your ex.

It is time to stop glamorizing the past. Sure there were some good times and they are worth remembering but don’t forget the bad things too. There is a reason the breakup happened in the first place.

After the dust has settled its human nature to look back and want all the good things back from a relationship. Is it really worth all the bad you went through though?  You have to learn to remember the good and the bad and stop sugar coating a relationship that was not working.

I recall a time in my past when I was dating an individual and laying in bed thinking to myself “Is this it?”. Even after all the lying, cheating, and disrespect I still glamorized the relationship after the breakup. Of course I took my rose colored glasses off and trashed them. I realized I had a lot of fun but at the end of the day I was not happy. Now I think to myself “No that is not it... there is so much better out there for me!”

You may even be thinking “you don’t know what you have until you lose it”. Well let me tell you from personal experience, you don’t realize what you are missing until you find it! Until you let go of what you can’t have you cannot discover what you want.

“If you’re still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today.” ~Joyce Chapman